Urological laparoscopic surgery: Our experience of first 100 cases in Dicle University
Namık Kemal Hatipoğlu 1 * , Necmettin Penbegül, Haluk Söylemez, Murat Atar, Yaşar Bozkurt, Ahmet Ali Sancaktutar, Mehmet Nuri Bodakçi
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1 Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalı, Diyarbakır, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objectives: In this study the experience and results of first 100 laparoscopic surgery is presented.
Materials and methods: The laparoscopic surgical operations were reviewed between July 2010 and October 2011, retrospectively.
Results: During a year period we performed of 100 laparoscopic interventions. The ratio of male to female and the mean age was 57/43 and 48,65±8,94 years respectively. The kind of operation and total numbers were like this: simple nephrectomy 34, radical nephrektomy 22, renal cyst excision 21, orchiectomy 7, ureterolitotomy 4, adrenalectomy 4, orchiopexy 3, pyeloplasti 2, nefroureterectomy+cystectomy 1, nefroureterectomy+partial cystectomy 1 nefroureterectomy 1 patient.
Transperitoneal approach was used for 91 patients while retroperitoneal approach was used to 9 patients. The operation was completed by open surgical interventions for only 6 of 100 patients. The reason for open procedures during laparoscopy was not reaching to renal pedicles for three patients, adhesions to pararenal tissue and colon for 2 patients and splenic artery injury for 1 patient. Three patients needed blood transfusions. Except these patients there wasn’t any complications and mortalities. When performing right nephrectomy and adrenalectomy the fourth port was used to ecartate liver. Except these cases in all operations 3 ports was used. The mean hospitalization stay was 1,7(1-8) days. The operation times of mostly performed operations were like these minute (interval): simple nephrectomy 95 (70-135), radical nephrectomy 148 (125-190), renal cyst excision 45 (20-80), orchiectomy 41 (30-45), ureterolithotomy 104 (95-135), orchiopexy 85 (80-100), adrenalectomy 148 (110-180), pyeloplasty 170 (160-180) nefroureterectomy 150 minutes.
Conclusions: The results, success and complication rates of laparoscopic operations which are performed in our clinics were found as similar to literature. The laparoscopic surgery is alternative to open surgery that it can be used safely and effectively.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2012, 44-48


Publication date: 13 Mar 2012

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