Objectives: Iron deficiency anemia that is very fundamental for all stage of life can especially affect health of childbearing aged women and even can cause death of mothers and their babies. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and gestational condition (gravidity, parity, abortion, number of alive) of women applied to outpatient clinic of obstetric.
Materials and methods: Between November-December 2011, totally 61 patients who applied to Gynecology and Obstetrics Outpatient clinic were retrospectively investigated. The patients’ data including; age, gestational medical history (gravidity, parity, number of alive and abortion), hematocrit, hemoglobin, iron, serum iron binding capacity, and transferrin saturation values were evaluated.
Results: Anemia was found in only 12 of the patients (19.7%). The anemia frequency in patients whose gravidity ≤3 was 18.2%, whose gravidity >3 was 21.4%. Anemia ratio for patients having parity ≤2 was 16.6%, >2 was 21.6%. For patients having abortion ≤2 anemia frequency was 13.3% but it was 21.7% for patients having >2. We found that there was a negative correlation between the groups (gravidity, parity, abortion) and hemoglobin-transferrin saturation (p<0.05).
Conclusions: In our study, it was shown that the frequency of iron deficiency anemia increases with gravidity, parity, and number of alive. For this reason, gynecologic consulting and iron support should be provided to prevent anemia in childbearing aged women.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2012, 49-52
Publication date: 13 Mar 2012
Article Views: 2680
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