The evaluation of rubella and sitomegalovirus IgG avidity tests in pregnants: four-year experience
Berrin Uzun 1 * , Serdar Güngör, Hakan Er, Ayşegül Gökmen, Bayram Pektaş, Aslı Gamze Şener
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1 İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Atatürk EA Hastanesi, Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji, İzmir, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: In this study, we aim to evaluate the retrospective IgG avidity index (AI) test results of the pregnant, who have applied to our hospital and had pregnancy screening test and have been asked for rubella and cytomegalovirus antibody tests and IgG AI test in 4 year period.
Methods: Anti-rubella IgM, anti-rubella IgG, anti-CMV IgM and anti-CMV antibodies were performed by IMMULITE 2000XPi™ Immunoassay System (Siemens, Germany) whereas IgG AI tests were performed by commercial kits of rubella and cytomegalovirus antibody tests (Dia.Pro® Diagnostic, Milano-Italy).
Results: Between January 2010 and December 2013, 23 (7.32 %) of 314 pregnant women tested rubella IgG AI had low AI, and 266 cases had high AI rate; 14 (17.28%) of 81 pregnant women tested CMV IgG AI, had lower AI rate, 52 of them had high AI. 9 out of 23 pregnant women, who were detected low rubella were requested only AI without any IgM and IgG value; the IgG antibody of 13 pregnant was reactive, and IgM antibody was not requested; IgG and IgM antibody of 1 pregnant was detected positive. When 5 pregnant, who were detected low CMV AI were requested AI without IgG and IgM value; the IgG and IgM of 4 was reactive; 4 of them had IgG reactive but IgM negative; 1 had IgG and IgM negative.
Conclusion: As a result, our low rubella AI rate has been detected lower than the rates in our country since our study population contains only the pregnant. Our low CMV AI rate varies due to the same reasons as literature data. During pregnancy scanning, performing of AI testing together with specific IgG and IgM will save both time and will be more meaningful in clinical evaluation for pregnant women.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2014, 420-423

Publication date: 09 Sep 2014

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