Effect of erythropoietin use on mean platelet volume in children undergoing chronic dialysis
Kadriye Özdemir 1 * , Orhan Deniz Kara, Nida Dinçel, İpek Kaplan Bulut, Ebru Yılmaz, Sevgi Mir
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1 Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Pediatrik Nefroloji Bilimdalı, İzmir, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: In this study, it was aimed to determine the relationship between erythropoietin (EPO) use and mean platelet volume (MPV) in the children undergoing dialysis.
Methods: MPV values before and after EPO use in 36 patients (16 hemodialysis - HD, 20 peritoneal dialysis - PD) were retrospectively evaluated. Patients were divided into two groups according to weekly EPO need as; given less than 150 U/kg defined as low EPO and more than 150 U/kg as high EPO groups. The age, weight, primary cause of chronic renal failure, dialysis methods and EPO dosages of patients were recorded. Blood samples were taken before and 4 weeks after EPO usage and MPV values were noted from complete blood counts.
Results: While significant increase was seen in the MPV values after EPO in comparison to MPV values before EPO in the HD group (8.18±1.52 fL vs. 9.20±1.46 fL; p=0.046); near significant difference was found in the MPV levels after EPO (8.28±1.80 fL vs. 9.39±1.50 fL; p=0,051) in PD group. In HD patients when high dose of EPO was given, MPV levels were found to be significantly elevated (7.81 ± 1.04 vs 9.61 ± 1.05; p=0.06) after EPO. However, no difference was seen with the lowe dose EPO subgroup (8.64 ± 1.97 ve 8.67 ± 1.81; p>0,05). No effect of EPO dose was found on MPV values in PD patients (9.57 ± 1.58 ve 9.1 ± 1.42; p>0.05).
Conclusion: It was observed that EPO influenced MPV values in children undergoing HD, while no effect of erythropoietin was found on MPV values of PD patients. Physicians should be careful while using high dose erythropoietin in children with high thrombosis risk.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2014, 415-419


Publication date: 09 Sep 2014

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