Objective: In this research, we aimed to present the latest data of a medical faculty's outpatient anesthesia applications.
Methods: The patients of the adult and pediatric cardiology, gastroenterology and radiology departments, applied with anesthesia outside of the operation room, were examined. The cases were analyzed in terms of age, sex, ASA, appliance and recovery duration, intensive care need, smoking history.
Results: 528 patients were administered with anesthesia during outpatient anesthesia applications. 336 (64%) of the patients were women and 192 (36%) of them were men. The mean ages of all the patients were 29.6±20.6year. years in outpatient anesthesia. The mean anesthesia administration duration of all the patients were defined as 22.57±11.76 min. The shortest processing time took place during gastroscopy (13.2±8.66min) and the longest processing time took place during balloon valvuloplasty (67.9±18.4). The mean recovery duration was found as 10.1±7.26min.
Conclusion: The outpatient anesthesia applications are similar to the applications in operation rooms in terms of the risks. The anesthesiologist should carry out a good preoperative evaluation for the increasing number of outpatient anesthesia applications and appropriate physical conditions should be provided.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2015, 150-153
Publication date: 10 Jul 2015
Article Views: 2660
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