Keyword: smoking

3 articles found.

Research Article

Elderly Patients Treated in Selected Family Medicine Offices in Central Istria And Their Habits

Tina Zavidić, Đino Lovrinić

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2018, 34-39

Research Article

The effect of smoking on the response to raloxifene treatment in postmenopausal osteoporosis

Savaş Erdem, Ayşe Filiz Avşar, Hüseyin Levent Keskin, Gülin Feykan Yeğin, Elçin İşlek

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 4, December 2012, 457-462

Research Article

Approaching tobacco dependence in youngsters: impact of an interactive smoking cessation program in a population of Romanian adolescents

Antigona Trofor, Stefan Mihaicuta, Milena Adina Man, Ramona Miron, Valentina Esanu, Letitia Trofor

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2010, 150-155