Keyword: gastric ulcer

2 articles found.

Research Article

Age-dependent Role of Cilostazol on Cold Restraint Stress-induced Gastric Ulceration in Female Rats

Abeer Mohamed Rashad, Gehan Hussein Heeba, Somya Hassan Hamad

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2019, Article No: em00728

Research Article

Importance of ulcer size and localization observed at endoscopy in differential diagnosis of gastric ulcers

Ayşe Kefeli, Abdullah Özgür Yeniova, Yaşar Nazlıgül, Metin Küçükazman, Muhammed Saçıkara, Zeliha Asiltürk, Ayla Tezer, Gülçin Şimşek

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2011, 273-276