Keyword: biopsy

3 articles found.

Research Article

Punch Biopsy Results of Nasopharynx Pathologies

İsa Özbay, Cüneyt Kucur, Sinan Aksoy, Fatih Oğhan, Semra Külekçi, Nadir Yıldırım

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2016, 83-86

Research Article

Evaluation of the role of digital rectal examination and prostate specific antigen in diagnosis of prostate cancer

Bülent Altunoluk, Mustafa Remzi Bahar, Mustafa Eren, Remziye Eren, Harun Çıralık, Sefa Resim

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2012, 66-70

Case Report

Giant mesenteric lipoma caused abdominal pain: Report of two cases

Fahri Halit Beşir, Mesut Gül, Erdem Koçak, Kemal Karakaya, Hüseyin Özdemir, Sadi Gündoğdu

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2011, 95-97