Objective: Fecal diversion is often indicated in cases with fecal incontinence, Fournier’s gangrene, anal fistula, and inoperable obstructive anorectal cancer. Trephine colostomy can be performed without necessitating laparotomy. We present our experience related to the outcome of trephine sigmoid colostomy.
Methods: The retrospective study included 14 patients who underwent trephine colostomy due to various conditions including Fournier’s gangrene, inoperable anorectal cancer, recto-vaginal fistula, and benign stricture due to radiotherapy at our clinic between January 2010 and January 2015.
Results: Patients comprised 4 females and 10 males with a mean age of 52.07 years. The indications for stoma formation were Fournier’s gangrene in 7 cases, inoperable anorectal cancer in 5, rectovaginal fistula in 1, and benign stricture due to radiotherapy in 1 case. Eight patients underwent surgery under regional anesthesia. All the patients underwent trephine loop sigmoid colostomy. One patient had second operation on the postoperative period due to colostomy prolapse. The temporary stomas were closed in 3 months. Mean length of hospital stay was 14 days.
Conclusion: Trephine stoma is a relatively simple, safe and rapid procedure and an effective alternative to colostomy formation without laparotomy indications. It can be performed under emergency or elective conditions with low morbidity.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2015, 87-90
Publication date: 09 Jul 2015
Article Views: 2972
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