The role of three-dimensional ultrasound in the differential diagnosis of omphalocele and gastroschisis
Kahraman Ülker 1 * , İsmail Temur, Mehmet Karaca, İslim Volkan, Mustafa Ersöz, Abdülaziz Gül
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1 Kafkas University School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Kars, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Gastroschisis and omphalocele are the two of the most common malformations of the anterior abdominal wall that both of them associated with high morbidity and mortality. Sometimes the diagnosis and the realization of the situations by physicians and the parents are difficult. Herein, one omphalocele and one gastroschisis cases were presented with the two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasonographic diagnostic features. The two entities and the role of three-dimensional ultrasound in diagnosis and the clinical management of the situations are discussed in the view of medical literature. The three-dimensional ultrasound helps in the diagnosis and detection of the severity of the omphalocele and the gastroschisis.


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Article Type: Case Report

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2011, 106-109

Publication date: 11 Mar 2011

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