The opinions of nurses regarding the orientation training
Gül Pınar 1 * , Aysun Doğan, Yeter Kırlangıç, Çiğdem Özdemir
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1 Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Hizmetleri, Eskisehir Yolu, 20. km. Baglica Kampus, Cayyolu/Ankara-Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the opinions of nurses regarding the orientation training.
Materials and methods: This research is a descriptive type of study. Since it is planned that all the nurses (N=250) in Baskent University Ankara Hospital will be in the scope of the research, sampling was not performed. The number of nurses who are reached and agreed to join the research is 203. Hence, 80% of them are reached. The researchers prepared a questionnaire containing 30 questions after examining the literature. The questionnaire was carried out between April 15 and May 15 2008 to participants.
Results: The mean age is 23±5.29 years and 97% of the nurses are female, 50.2% of them are male from Health College. Of all, 55.2% of them have worked less than 3 years. A total of 91.1% of the nurses stated that orientation training must be carried out and 80.3% of them who attended to orientation training think that the training is adequate.
Conclusion: The nurses stated that the materials were adequate and organized while evaluating the orientation training which they attended, moreover they emphasized that the training should be given periodically rather than by classical method.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2010, 199-205

Publication date: 17 Dec 2010

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