Objectives: Accurate, reliable laboratory reference ranges are essential for effective clinical evaluation and monitoring. We present robust reference ranges established for hematology parameters using the Sysmex XT2000i analyzer.
Methods: Blood samples were taken from 17409 healthy adults (19 to 49 years, 51.4% men and 48.6% women) and routine hematology analysis performed. Patients were assessed as healthy on the basis of a medical history and routine medical examinations. Serum hematinic assays (vitamin B12, folate, iron and ferritin) were also analyzed in order to exclude the potential anemia existence.
Results: There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.001) between men and women, with the former showing higher CBC values, except WBC, neutrophil and platelet counts compared to females. Several differences were observed when compared to previously established values from Turkey, most notably in leucocytes and platelets. Our findings for CBC parameters, except leucocyte count and MCV are in general agreement with previously published data from more limited trials undertaken in other countries.
Conclusions: In spite of the uncontrolled factors influencing hematological values, this study permitted to establish the new hematological reference values in Turkey, especially living near sea level. In the absence of previously detailed investigated hematological reference values in Turkey, we offered to use these results for clinical management of Turkish patients and interpretations of laboratory data for research purpose.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2014, 548-552
Publication date: 10 Dec 2014
Article Views: 2346
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