The effects of resveratrol on biochemical changes in fructose-induced insulin resistance
Nevin İlhan 1 * , Dilara Kaman, Necip İlhan
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1 Fırat University Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Elazığ, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of resveratrol (RSV) administration on biochemical parameters, free fatty acids (FFAs), cytokines and chemokines of rats administered high dose of fructose.
Materials and methods: Rats fed with fructoses that form an experimental animal model of the metabolic syndrome. Adult Wistar rats were divided into three groups of 5 rats each. In Groups 1, animals received starch-based control diet, while groups 2 and 3 rats were fed a high-fructose diet. Groups 3 animals additionally received RSV (10 mg/kg) daily for 20 days after 40 days fed with fructose. The levels of glucose, insulin, cholesterol and triglyceride were measured by using an enzymatic assay on an Auto analyzer. Serum levels of FFAs were measured by Gas Chromatography and cytokines such as MCP-1, IL-10, RANTES and eotaxin levels were measured by ELISA.
Results: Fructose-fed rats exhibited increased levels of glucose, insulin, HOMA-IR index and FFAs. Eotaxin, RANTES and TNF-α levels were also increased in fructose fed rats. RSV administration improved biochemical parameters as well as FFAs in an experimental animal model of the metabolic syndrome.
Conclusion: The benefits of RSV observed in this model suggest that therapeutic use of RSV may be thought in metabolic syndrome. 


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2011, 339-346

Publication date: 12 Dec 2011

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