Objectives: The aim of the study is to investigate the contraceptive method preference of patients applied to gynecology outpatient clinic and its relationship with their education level.
Materials and methods: Totally 61 women preferring any contraceptive method were included in this study. The ages, number of pregnancy, living children, marriage period, number of spontaneous abortion and legal evacuation, contraceptive method preference, source of getting information about contraceptive method and education status of the patients were recorded.
Results: In present study, 61 patients aged 31 years (range: 18-53) were included. The number of women who prefer the traditional contraceptive methods was 21 (%34,4) and those choose modern methods 40 (%65,6). The most preferred contraceptive method was withdrawal (27.9%). The frequency respectively as follow; 26.2% condom, 14.7% intrauterine device (IUD), 13.1% tubal ligation (T/L), 9.8% oral contraceptive (OC), 6.5% calendar method, 1.6% monthly injections. The education status was as; uneducated 13.6%, primary school 50.8%, secondary school 6.6%, high school 24.6%, and university graduates 4.9%. Of all, 48.4% of primary school graduates used withdrawal method and 75% calendar method were uneducated. Modern methods were more frequently used in educated patients. Education level of the women preferring OC was 50% primary school, 33% high school; in IUD preferred women were 44% high school, and of condom used patients were 56.3% high school graduates. In comparison, tubal ligation method preferred especially in primary school graduates and uneducated (62.5% primary school).
Conclusions: Women and their partners should be educated regardless of education levels about family planning and contraceptive methods and they should be supported about appropriate contraception methods for each couple.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 4, December 2012, 529-532
Publication date: 13 Dec 2012
Article Views: 2571
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