Skin prick test results in patients with atopic symptoms in Yozgat district
Emine Colgecen 1 * , Kemal Özyurt, Yavuz Selim İntepe, Zeliha Kapusuz Gencer, Mahmut Özkırış, Ghaniya Ede, Seyhan Karaçavuş
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1 Bozok Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Dermatoloji Ana Bilim Dalı, Yozgat, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: Skin prick test (SPT) is used widely and fastly to determine the allergens in atopic disease. We aimed in this study to analysis the relationship between total serum IgE (T.IgE) and allergens that found by SPT and looking over the frequency of allergens.
Methods: We evaluated clinical findings and SPT results and T.IgE levels of 190 patients who admitted to dermatology outpatient clinic, retrospectively.
Results: 53 (27.9%) patients had idiopathic generalized pruritus (IGP), 41 (21.6%) had atopic dermatitis (AD), 40 (21.1%) had chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU), 38 (20%) had allergic rhinitis (AR), and 18 (9.5%) had allergic asthma (AA). 123 (64.7%) patients had positive reaction to at least one or more allergen on SPT. Of these patients 28 were IGP, 30 were AD, 20 were CIU, 28 were AR, and 17 were AA. The most common allergens were pine pollen (25.3%), wheat pollen (18.4%), and dog epithelium (15.8%). The mean levels of T.IgE was 382.61 ± 517.28 IU/ml (1-2500). T.IgE is higher 54.9% of patients. It was seen that DPT positivity was significantly more frequent in patients with increased T.IgE levels than those with normal total serum IgE level (p<0.05).
Conclusion: We think that pine tree and wheat pollens are the most commonly encountered allergens at Yozgat area. Moreover, our findings indicated to the requirement and benefits of DPT in patients with AD, AR and AA in addition to the those KİU and İJP, particularly in patients with increased T.IgE levels, although further studies with larger sample size are needed.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2014, 64-68

Publication date: 11 Mar 2014

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