Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis (ISC) is an uncommon benign process, characterized by solitary or multiple, painless, strict scrotal nodules in the lack of systemic metabolic disorder. Its nature and reason have remained unknown and theories of origin contain idiopathic calcification arising within normal scrotal collagen, dystrophic calcification of inflamed scrotal epidermoid cysts, eccrine duct milia or dartoic muscle, and secondary to minor trauma. A total of 5 cases were found for ISC in our department of pathology. All patients underwent surgical excision of the lesions with overlying skin. Age range was from 25 to 49 years with a mean age of 31.4 years. Three of the patients with multiple lesions (3/5). The common appearance of the masses were hard, slowly growing, semi-mobile, lobulated, and well-circumscribed subcutaneous nodules. Diameter of the lesions ranged 0.7cm to 3cm. Grossly, there were firm, white with chalky and gritty areas. H&E stains revealed basophilic masses in dermis with foreign body giant cell reaction in 4 cases. No recurrences were noted. ISC is a rare, benign, disease of the scrotal skin that is characterized by calcium depositions of various sizes surrounded by a granulomatous reaction. In spite of the debate about the origin of this entity, surgery still seems to be the treatment of option and provides a good clinical outcome.
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Article Type: Brief Report
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2018, 150-153
Publication date: 25 Dec 2018
Article Views: 3313
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