Data: Patient: Female, 21-year-old, and pregnant
Final diagnosis: Carbuncle of the left kidney
Symptoms: Acute pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the left inguinal region, and weakness
Clinical procedure: Ureteroscopy with stenting of both kidneys and kidneys decapsulation.
Objective: Rare coexistence of disease or pathology
Background: Here we present a patient who was admitted with a clinical suspicion of urinary system infection during pregnancy and was finally diagnosed with Carbuncle in her left kidney.
Case report: 21-year-old 26-week pregnant women with complaints of acute pain in the lumbar region radiating to the left inguinal region along with weakness was admitted to the Hospital No 7 Kalkaman Almaty on 18.05.2022. In her anamnesis, she was infected with SARS-CoV-2 infection prior to the admission. Based on the complaints, anamnesis and gynecological examination data preliminary diagnosis was made as urinary system infection at pregnancy 26 weeks. Further examination revealed that she had carbuncle of the kidney and perirenal tissue, carbuncle of the left kidney, paranephritis on the left, acute obstructive pyelonephritis on the right. Lab results showed elevated leukocytes, anemia, and lymphopenia.
Conclusions: This case shows us how woman’s weakened immune system from COVID-19 along with pregnancy, which can further weaken the immune system made her susceptible to a kidney infection, which progressed to a kidney carbuncle and perirenal tissue involvement.
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Article Type: Case Report
J CLIN EXP INVEST, Volume 14, Issue 3, September 2023, Article No: em00822
Publication date: 03 Sep 2023
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