Objective: The aim of this cross-sectional randomized study was to investigate the prevalence and angulation of third molar impaction in patients between 19‒26 years old who were living in the Middle Black Sea region of Turkey.
Patients and Methods: Total 1006 patients between 19 and 26 years of age who were referred to the Ordu University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery between 2010 and 2015 were included in the study. Of these 1,006 patients, 410 were male and 596 were female. The prevalence and positions of the impacted third molar teeth from the 4th quadrant on the panoramic radiographs were documented according to the classifications of Pell and Gregory as well as that of Winter. In the Pell and Gregory classification, the teeth in class C were evaluated as impacted teeth.
Results: There was a total of 1,518 impacted molars. Of the included patients, 48.3% had impacted third molars. The most common angulation of impacted third molars was the vertical position in both mandible (28.4%) and maxilla (28.8%). The prevalence of impacted mandibular third molars (57.3%) was significantly higher than that of the impacted maxillary third molars (42.7%) (P<0.05). The prevalence and angulation of impacted third molars between genders was not significant (P>0.05).
Conclusion: The pattern of third molar impaction in the Middle Black Sea region was characterized by a high prevalence of level C impaction with a vertical position that was greater in the mandibles and had no sex predilection.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2017, 50-53
Publication date: 30 Jun 2017
Article Views: 2808
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