Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and affecting factors of diabetes mellitus in adult age group in Van province
Ahmet Yılmaz 1 * , Zafer Akan, Hatice Yılmaz
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1 Van İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü, Van, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objectives: Regional studies of diabetes mellitus (DM) are important to determine of effective environmental factors in the development of DM and defining strategy against these factors. This study aims to define the frequency of DM prevalence in the province of the Van city, distribution of DM according to age groups, effective socio-economical, geographical and metabolic factors over the diabetes development.
Material and methods: This study included 191 male and 209 female totals 400 person aged year 16 years or over. Blood-Glucose levels of persons were measured with Accu-check glucometer and questionnaires were filled with face-to-face interviews.
Results: Age mean of subjects was 35.09±13.75 years, DM prevalence was %13.4 between the females and %9.1 males, disglisemi (DG) prevalence were %9.1 between the females and %5.8 between the males. 74.4% of impaired glucose metabolism persons were people who they do not make physical exercise and adopted sedentary lifestyle.
Conclusion: In this study, age and family history from unchangeable factors were found to be effective on the development of DM but sex, educational level, social security, incomes were not found to be effective on development of DM. Exercise, blood pressure levels, obesity and diets from changeable factors are the factors that influence the frequency of DM was determined in this study.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2011, 392-399

Publication date: 12 Dec 2011

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