Partial wedge resection of nail, nail bed and nail matrix in ingrown toenail treatment
Vedat Uruç 1 * , Nuri Canseven, Cafer Tayyar Selçuk, Mustafa Dönmez
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1 Ergani Devlet Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Polikliniği Ergani / Diyarbakır, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objectives: Ingrown toenail is a frequent problem which can be seen in all ages. There are many treatment methods both surgical and nonsurgical. In this study we evaluated the results of wedge resection of ingrown toe nail.
Patients and Methods: A total of 80 toenails of 74 patients (55 female, 19 male) who complaint with discharge and deformity of their toenail underwent partial wedge resection of the nail and nail matrix. According to the Heifetz’s staging system, 34 toenails were grade II, 46 toenails were grade III.  There was active drainage due to an infectious process in all effected toe nails. All patients were operated after 10 day of oral antibiotic treatment. We evaluated the recurrence, postoperative infection, patient satisfaction and time to return to work.
Results: The mean follow up period was 8 months (4-12 months). There was no recurrence in any patient. Two patients came with wound drainage in postoperative 14th day. Intravenous antibiotic treatment, debridement and wound dressing with rifampicine every other day were accomplished. All patients expressed their satisfaction with surgery.
Conclusion:  In treatment of ingrown toenail; wedge resection of nail, nail matrix and nail bed is a very effective treatment. Recurrence rate following this technique is negligible if it is done properly and it has high patient satisfaction.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2010, 37-40

Publication date: 14 Apr 2010

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