Partial unilateral lentiginosis is an unusual pigmentary disorder characterized by numerous lentigines grouped within an area of normal skin. Pigmented macules are usually localized in one half of the body. Associations with café-au-lait spots, cutis marmorata, acanthosis nigricans, nevus depigmentosus, vitiligo, blue nevus, segmental neurofibromatosis, central nervous system diseases, celiac disease, and sickle cell anemia have been reported. We describe a 17-year-old male patient with a partial unilateral lentiginous lesion on the left side of the body and left upper back and incidental polyp in the descending colon.
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Article Type: Case Report
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2018, 45-47
Publication date: 10 Mar 2018
Article Views: 1949
Article Downloads: 2097
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