Nocturnal Enuresis Frequency in Children and Anxiety-Depression Risks of Parents
Ahu Demirci, İsmail Kasım, Esra Meltem Koç, Hilal Aksoy 1 * , Rabia Kahveci, Ömer Ertem, İrfan Şencan, Ali Atan, Oğuz Tekin, Adem Özkara
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1 Pamukkale H. Cafer Özer Toplum Sağlığı Merkezi, Denizli, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: In this study, we aimed to detect the prevalence of the monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (MSE) in the children attended to our clinics and to detect the relationship between enuresis and social tendencies, anxiety and de­pression risks of the parents.
Methods: Our study was performed with 133 children aged between 5-16 years and with their parents who admitted to Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital outpatient clinics. The children’s MSE were confirmed with voiding dysfunction scoring system scale. For the parents Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Fatih Social Tendencies Scales (FSTS) were conducted.
Results: MSE frequency was found as 37.6% (n=50). Enuresis was observed more frequently in the crowded families with low socioeconomic status and low parent education level. Risk of MSE in children was found to be increased 5.5 times in whom parents have also MSE. High depression score of father was found to be related with MSE in child (p=0.038).
Conclusion: Enuresis is a condition that decreases the life quality of the children and their parents and increases the level of anxiety. Family physicians have important mission for prevention of the disease related with their biopsychoso­cial approach.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016, 150-156

Publication date: 16 Jun 2016

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