α-Mangosteen from Garcinia Mangostana Linn and its Effect in Blood Insulin and Sugar Levels in Hyperglycemic Rat
Adi Prayitno 1 * , RA Oetari 2, Idin Shahiddin 3, Aldissa Yova Elmanda 4, Anita Dwi Septiarini 2, Hasriyani 2, Luky Dharmayanti 2, Yuneka Saristiana 2, Yunita Dian Permata Sari 2
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1 Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Indonesia2 Faculty of Pharmacy, Setia Budi University, Solo, Indonesia3 Faculty of Mathematic and Science, Halo Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia4 Faculty of Dentistry, Gajah Mada University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia* Corresponding Author


Introduction: Hyperglycemic triggers various complications, some organs that damage can occur due to the oxidation by oxidant of proteins both structural and non-structural, such as eyes, kidneys, heart, nerves and blood vessels. α-mangosteen as antioxidant can suppress cell damage so that blood sugar can be transported back into the cell and be found in Garcinia mangostana Linn. The purpose of this study was to explains the effect of α-mangosteen in increasing blood insulin and reducing blood sugar levels in hyperglycemic rat.
Method: This study uses 9 rat treatment groups. Group I as control, group II as negative control (hyperglycemic), group III as positive control (hyperglycemia + Glybenclamide), group IV-VI treated with extract mangosteen in ethanol rind (EEMR) and group VII-IX treated with isolate α-mangosteen rind (IAMR). After 28 days peripheral blood was taken and measurements the insulin and glucose blood serum level.
Results: Mean insulin control is 19.08µU/mL, after administration of STZ-NA is 6.18µU/mL, after administration with Glibenclamide is 11.58µU/m, after administration with EEMR is 18.69µU/mL. and after administration with IAMR is 17.81µU/mL. Mean glycemic control is 99.90mg/dl, after administration of STZ-NA is 259.90 mg/dl, after administration with Glibenclamide is 123.39 mg/dl, after administration with EEMR is 108.87mg/dl. and after administration with IAMR is 92.52 mg/dl. Showed an increase in insulin serum levels after administration with extract mangosteen and isolate α-mangosteen. Anova Test, showed there was a very significant difference between control and treatment in insulin levels (p=0.001).
Conclusion: α-mangosteen can increasing blood insulin and reduce blood sugar levels in hyperglycemic rat.


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Article Type: Research Article

J CLIN EXP INVEST, Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2021, Article No: em00770


Publication date: 07 Mar 2021

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