Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and characteristic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of sacroiliitis in patients with psoriasis disease.
Methods: A total of 68 patients who diagnosed with psoriasis in Dermatology department of our hospital between February-2012 and February-2013 were included to our study. All patients were underwent bilateral sacroiliac MR. MR study were performed with the sequences of the coronal T1 weighted turbo spin-echo, T2 weighted and STIR images using a 1,5-T MR device for all patients. Changes in the subchondral bone were classified according to MR signal features.
Results: Of these patients, 37 (54.4 %) were male and 31 (45.6 %) were female. The mean age was 32.3±7.8 years, ranging from 16 to 60 years. Mean disease duration was 12.4±8.6 years (2-24 years). While MR imaging findings were normal in 52 (76,5%) patients, signal changes consisted with sacroiliitis were observed in 16 (23.5%) patients. One or more MR lesion consisted with sacroiliitis were observed in a total of 22 sacroiliac joint of 16 patients. The signal abnormalities detected by MR imaging were as follows, Type-1 changes in 6 (27.3%) joints, Type-2 changes in 8 (36.4%) joints, Type-3 changes in 10 (45.5%) joints, erosions in 9 (40.9%) joints, narrowing the joints space in 6 (27.3%) joints and ankylosis in 5 (22.7%) joints.
Conclusion: Sacroiliitis in psoriatic patients is an important clinical problem. MR imaging is a useful diagnostic modality in the diagnosis of psoriatic sacroiliitis which can demonstrate detailed anatomy of the sacroiliac joint and the changes of sacroiliitis without radiation exposure.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2013, 199-203
Publication date: 13 Jun 2013
Article Views: 2506
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