Investigation of Hepatitis E Virus IgG Seroprevalence in Women with Reproductive Age
Erdal Özbek 1 * , Hakan Temiz, Ayşe Batgi Azarkan, Mehmet Obut, Şeyhmus Mete
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1 Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Hastanesi, Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarı, Diyarbakır, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection can cause fa­tal hepatitis particularly in pregnant women. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the rate of anti HEV IgG se­roprevalence in women of childbearing age and whether there are differences in seroprevalence among people liv­ing in urban and rural areas or not.
Methods: A total of 158 women volunteers aged 15-49 years living in rural or urban areas were included in this study. Anti-HEV IgG antibodies were performed with en­zyme immunoassay method. The obtained data were presented as numbers and percentages and statistically analyzed.
Results: Anti-HAV IgG was detected positive in 41 of the 158 volunteers (25.9%). Anti-HEV IgG was found positive in 25 of the 92 volunteers living in urban areas (27.2%) and in 16 of the 66 volunteers in rural areas (24.2%).
Conclusion: In our city, HEV seroprevalence is above the average in Turkey. We think that epidemiological fac­tors should be investigated and that screening HEV serol­ogy can be useful in pregnancy monitoring.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2016, 69-72

Publication date: 01 Mar 2016

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