Objectives: Inappropriate end excessive requests of laboratory tests are labor intensive and a vast burden of cost. Diagnostic algorithms are advised to prevent inappropriate and excessive usage of tests. In this study it was aimed to determine inappropriate test ordering rates and cost.
Materials and methods: To assess the number of inappropriate test orders, laboratory records of samples sent for hepatitis A and B viral serologic tests were evaluated retrospectively with respect to diagnostic algorithms. Orders including serological marker groups without adequate clinical information whether or not the order was inappropriate was excluded from the study.
Results: According to the diagnostic algorithms 1.452 anti-HAV IgM tests, 1.452 anti-HAV total tests, 208 anti-HBs tests, 208 anti-HBc total tests, 1.210 anti-HBc IgM tests, 1.358 HBeAg tests and 1.216 anti-HBe tests are inappropriate requests. Total cost of these tests is calculated as 56.153 TL.
Conclusion: This study shows that a significant amount of hepatitis serologic tests are inappropriate requests. Diagnostic algorithms for hepatitis should be used more commonly to decrease the amount of inappropriate requests result in significant workload and cost.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2012, 181-184
Publication date: 12 Jun 2012
Article Views: 2862
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