Evaluation of the Macular Thickness by Optical Coherence Tomography in Amblyopia
Suat Altındağ, Muhammed Şahin 1 *
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1 Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları AD, Diyarbakır, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: To measure and compare macular thicknesses (MT) in patients that have amblyopia and control group eyes with optical coherence tomography (OCT) and to define OCT as an early diagnosis tool.
Methods: 27 patients having amblyopia associated strabismus classified as group 1, 18 patients having amblyopia associated anisometropia classified as group 2 and 45 healthy volunteers classified as group 3 were enrolled into the study. All participants were underwent into the full ophthalmological examination and were measured MT by OCT.
Results: There was a statistical significance between control group and group 1 in central MT (p=0.01). But there was no significant differences between areas as we divided the macular thicknesses other quadrants. When we compare group 2 and group 3 there was thinner statistical significance in temporal quadrants (p=0.04). There was no significant difference between the other quadrants and central MT (p<0.05). There was significant difference between group 1 and group 2 in central MT (p=0.03). No significant difference was found between group 1 and group 2 in other quadrants (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Changes in macular thicknesses in strabismic amblyopia measured by OCT shows that structural changes can develop in amblyopia. OCT gives hope as early diagnosis tool with the non-invasive feature in vivo.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016, 178-183


Publication date: 16 Jun 2016

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