Evaluation of biofilm formation activity of standard microorganism strains
Uğur Tutar 1 * , Cem Çelik, Mehmet Ataş, Tutku Tunç, Mustafa Gökhan Gözel
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1 Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Health Sciences, Dept. Nutrition and Dietetics, Sivas, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: Biofilm is a structure formed by a group of microorganisms. Bacteria in the biofilm lead to much more serious problems in medical and industrial terms when compared to their planktonic forms. In this sense, it is important to know about the biofilm activities of the microorganisms. The ability of certain microorganism strains to form biofilms was shown, and the importance of this subject was tried to be emphasized in this study.
Methods: Fifteen bacteria and two yeast standard strains were used in the study. Microtiter plate method was used in order to determine the biofilm production capacities of standard strains. Biofilm formations were assessed as “nonadherent =0,weakly adherent = I, moderately adherent = II and strongly adherent =III.”
Results: Biofilm formation was observed in all of the 17 standard strains following the study carried out. Among standard microorganisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureusCorynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and Neisseria sicca created a strong biofilm.
Conclusion: It is known that biofilms formed by microorganisms lead to negative consequences in human health. Therefore it’s important to study on understanding biofilm formations. We believe that the biofilm formation data of the standard microorganisms we provide in our study will contribute to the researchers to conduct researches on this subject and the literature related to the subject.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2015, 135-139


Publication date: 10 Jul 2015

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