Endometrial cocultured cells in assisted reproduction techniques
Leyla Bahar 1 * , Semra Kahraman
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1 Mersin Üniversitesi, Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu, Mersin, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: Endometrium, which plays a very important role in reproductive biology and one of the pathologies connected with it as are the problems in the implantation. One of the most important processes for the female fertility are experienced in implantation failure and one of the developed methods for the solution are endometrial coculture application. In this study, to provide knowledge of the types of cells in in vitro monolayer endometrial coculture.
Methods: In our study, consisting of 8 fertile and 16 infertile women suffering from recurrent implantation failure were included in two groups. Performing aspiration with negative pressure pipeline endometrial tissue samples were obtained. Intended to carry embryo to the blastocyst stage, Endometrial Epithelial-gland cells (EG) and Epithelial stromal (ES) cells are obtained, after concluding of the culture was provided to do light microscopic tissue follow of these tissues. Cocultured cells were grouped stained with toluidine blue. Working with the numerical values of the cell types was performed using the Chi-square statistical analysis method.
Results: In cocultured, both fertile and cell types derived from the TIB group, with light microscopic examination, were distinguished by morphological characteristics. Each of the two groups, called cells called vacuoles, microvilli and cytoplasmic extension was defined.
Conclusion: Both groups, coculture derived from endometrial tissue were examined by light microscope. Thus, the identification of differences between groups was provided classification of cell structures in the coculture and endometrial cocultured practices, was concluded to be beneficial in the embryo's development.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 6, Issue 4, December 2015, 357-363


Publication date: 03 Jan 2016

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