Objectives: To evaluate the clinical characteristics of patients that hospitalized with acute abdominopelvic pain (AAP) and underwent emergent gynecological operations in obstetrics and gynecology clinics.
Methods: This retrospective study was performed at Dicle University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, from June 2006 to May 2009. The data were collected from hospital records and patients charts. The age, gravidy, parity, last menstrual period, physical examination findings, initial complaints, operation diagnosis, preoperative and postoperative hematocrit values, the type of the operation that performed and the amount of blood products transfusions were investigated.
Results: During the study period, a total of 105 patients were operated due to characteristic clinical sign and symptoms of acute abdomen. The initial complaints were abdominopelvic pain in 62 patients (59.0%) and abdomino-pelvic pain with vaginal bleeding in 43 patients (41.0%). Of all cases; 60 (57.1%) women had ruptured ectopic pregnancy, 29 (27.6%) had corpus hemorrhagic cyst rupture. Only 68 (64.76%) of the cases were subjected to laparotomy under emergency conditions, while 37 (35.2%) of them were subjected to laparoscopy. Fifty five (52.4%) women needed blood products transfusion.
Conclusion: The initial evaluation of abdominopelvic pain related to gynecologic causes should include taking a careful history, performing abdominopelvic examination, pregnancy test, laboratory studies and color Doppler ultrasound. Although the patients can be followed conservatively, they may need an emergent surgery for life saving.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2010, 12-15
Publication date: 14 Apr 2010
Article Views: 2790
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