Objectives: The objective of this study was to compare the effects of Propofol 1%, Propofol 2%, Ketamine, Pentothal, Etomidate and Etomidate-lipuro on venous endothelium.
Materials and methods: The study was done from August 2007 to May 2008 after approval of Faculty’s Ethic Committee. Forty rabbits were obtained. Propofol 1% (n=6), Propofol 2% (n=6), Ketamin (n=6), Penthotal (n=6), Etomidate (n=6), Etomidate lipuro (n=6) and normal saline (Control Group, n=4) was given 1 cc via external jugular vein. After 5 minutes from the injenction 6 species 2 mm in length segments were taken from the injencted veins. Species were fixed in 4˚C gluteraldehyde than postfixed in 4°C osmium tetroxide. Visualisation was performed with scanning electron microscope.
Results: In Propofol 1 %, Propofol 2% and Penthotal groups normal endothelial structures were observed. In Etomidate group damage of the endothelial cells were observed significantly compared with control. In Etomidate lipuro group minimal deformation was observed compared to control.
Conclusion: Etomidat causes significant endothelial deformation, moreover lipuro minimalises these effects. In order to need to use etomidate for general anesthesia, for less pain during injection depending on vascular injury lipuro form would be more appropriate. However, further study is required.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2012, 164-167
Publication date: 12 Jun 2012
Article Views: 2814
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