Early and Late Diagnosis of Iatrogenic Urinary Tract Injuries During Obstetric and Gynecological Operations
Serdar Başaranoğlu, Ayşegül Deregözü, Nadiye Köroğlu, Mehmet Kalkan, Coşkun Şahin, Sedat Kadanalı
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Objectives: We aimed to present urinary tract injuries occurring during obstetric and gynecological operations and their clinical consequences.
Methods: Twenty-three patients had urological organ injury during obstetric and gynecological operations in a tertiary care center between January 2010 and June 2016, were analyzed retrospectively. Etiologies, type of injury, diagnostic process, treatment methods and complications of urologic injuries and success rate have been investigated. Injuries were categorized into two groups as intra-operative early injuries and post-op late injuries. Early injuries were laceration, rupture, ligation and late injuries were hydronephrosis, contrast material leakage or fistula.
Results: Eight patients were diagnosed during operation period or post-op early period and 15 patients who were referred from other hospitals. Thirteen of the injuries were gynecologic and 10 of them were obstetric. Mean age of operated patients was 34.2±9.4 (23-65) years. Ureteral injury and bladder injury was detected respectively in six and two patients getting early diagnosis. Fistula (5/15), hydronephrosis secondary to urethral stricture (3/15) and vaginal erosion (3/15) were detected as late diagnosed injuries. In a patient whom ureter was ligated non-functioning kidney has developed.
Conclusions: To reduce rate of urinary system injuries a sound knowledge of anatomy is required and corrected surgical techniques should be used. Early diagnosis and therapy may prevent complications and loss of organs that may lead to morbidity.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2016, 252-257


Publication date: 02 Sep 2016

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