Does Tracheostomy Affect the Mortality and Morbidity Rate After Cardiac Surgery?
Serkan Burc Deser
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Objective: This retrospective study aims to investigate the timing and outcomes of tracheostomy, mortality and morbidity rates, length of in-hospital and cardiovascular intensive care unit (ICU) stay in patients with post-cardiac surgery.
Patients and Methods: Between October 2014 and October 2016, a total of 401 cardiac surgery were performed in our hospital. Thirteen patients who needed post-operative prolong ventilation (7 female; 6 male; mean age was 67.7 ± 9.8 years; range 47 to 86 years) undergoing tracheostomy procedure, were included in this retrospective study.
Results: The mean intubation time between the cardiac surgery and tracheostomy was 14.5±2.9 days (range 11 to 21). The mean intensive care unit stay time was 27.4 ±9.4 days (range 12 to 49) and the mean in-hospital stay was 43.1±23.7 days (range 16-91). 8 patients passed away and the in-hospital mortality rate was 61%. After a mean follow-up of 161.4±151.1 days (range 57 to 417), 3 patients (7%) passed away while one patient (7%) was decannulated. One patient (7%) is currently under follow-up at home using a home-type ventilator. Regarding patients who passed away after discharge, the overall mortality rate was 84.6%. In addition, the number of extubation attempts was 0.65±1.12 (range 0 to 4).
Conclusion: Tracheostomy is performed in need of prolonged mechanical ventilation in patients with post cardiac surgery. We thought that tracheostomy does not decrease the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia in hospital/ICU stay and morbidity/mortality as expected.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2018, 81-86

Publication date: 13 Jun 2018

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