Data evaluation of Ankara Numune Training and Education Hospital immunofixation electrophoresis
Müjgan Ercan, Esra Oğuz 1 * , Sema Uysal, Sevilay Sezer, Canan Topçuoğlu, Fatma Meriç Yılmaz
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1 Ankara Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hast. Merkez Biyokimya Laboratuvarı, Ankara, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: The immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE) is a method used for the diagnosis, monitoring and treat­ment of monoclonal gammopathies (MG). The mono­clonal gammopathies include premalignant or malignant disease such as multiple myeloma, Waldenström’s mak­roglobulinaemia (WM), plasmacytoma, monoclonal gam­mopati of undetermined significance (MGUS), plasma cell leukemia and amiloidosis (AL). We aimed to evaluate IFE reports analyzed in Ankara Numune Teaching and Re­search hospital from January to July 2011.
Methods: IFE was studied by Interlab G26 in our labora­tory. In this study, all IFE reports examined which analyzed between January and July 2011. The results assessed for frequency and type of MG and also for diagnosis of the disease.
Results: A total of 688 patients from January to July 2011 were studied by IFE and 126 (18.3%) patients have been identified as MG. There were 72 (57.1%) men and 54 (42.9%) women in patients with MG. Distribution of iso­types were IgG kappa 41.3%, IgG lambda 35.6%, IgA kappa 11.5%, IgA lambda 5.8%, IgM kappa 3.8% and IgM lambda 1.9%. There were MM (65.9%), WM (0.07%) and MGUS (33%) in patients with MG.
Conclusion: IgG kappa was the most common type of MG and MM was the most common disease in these pa­tients. MG detection rate was 18% in patients requested IFE test. The decreased rate has shown that at first serum protein electrophoresis must studied and then IFE test must be performed in patients who have an uncertainty of MG.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2013, 148-152

Publication date: 13 Jun 2013

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