When COVID -19, the novel coronavirus leading to severe acute respiratory syndrome, first identified in Wuhan China during December 2019, Northern Cyprus community would never imagine the virus could make its way to the less populated and mostly isolated part of the island. During the first week of March 2020, the uneasiness was in the minds of people and suspected coronavirus cases started to surface. However, until 10th of March 2020, the suspected cases were found COVID-19 negative. On 10th of March 2020, the first positive case of COVID -19 was reported who was a German woman tourist, arrived with a charter flight two days before. By 12th of April, North Cyprus had a total of 99 positive COVID -19 cases, 3 deaths and 57 recovered.
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Article Type: Brief Report
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2020, Article No: em00742
Publication date: 28 Apr 2020
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