In developing countries, emergences of the infectious diseases cause serious issues to public health security due to lack of sufficient resources. The emergence of the COVID-2019 in China during late December 2019 resulted in international health emergency all over the world in few weeks and attained high risk category. On 11 March 2020, World Health Organization declared Coronavirus disease as pandemic. Staring from Wuhan, China, coronavirus disease has spread in 209 countries including Pakistan. Till March 30, 2020, the number of causalities by Coronavirus disease has reached up to 33,983 among 722664 confirmed cases affected by this globally. In Pakistan, the first case of the Coronavirus is reported on February 25, 2020 and till 30 March 2020, 1526 confirmed cases and 13 deaths are reported by Ministry of National Health Services of Pakistan. The fight of Pakistan against coronavirus disease like other developing countries may be different from technologically equipped countries. Despite of the limited recourses, Pakistan has taken meticulous measures by developing special hospitals on pattern of Republic of China, availability of rapid diagnosis, strict implementation of lockdown and strong awareness campaign against COVID-19. This article reviews recent outbreak of COVID-19 and its trends of control measures taken by Government of Pakistan for development of nimble health care setup in the country.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2020, Article No: em00753
Publication date: 20 Jun 2020
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