Since World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global Health Emergency at the end of January 2020 caused by the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV, the rapid spread of this pandemic poses unprecedented challenges throughout the world.
Hemodialysis patients are more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia than the general population. Dialysis physicians, health workers should have clinical knowledge of epidemic COVID-19, epidemic prevention tools, and required guidelines.
This paper aims to focus on the Moroccan society of nephrology recommendations and the Ministry of Health guidelines to protect both healthcare workers and hemodialysis patients from the virus.
A package of measures has been recommended by the Ministry of Health to ensure continuity of health services for hemodialysis patients with Covid-19. Besides, the Moroccan society of nephrology recommendations has been adopted to ensure quality care for this vulnerable category throughout the epidemic.
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Article Type: Brief Report
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2021, Article No: em00758
Publication date: 28 Nov 2020
Article Views: 1867
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