Coerced anal sex against spouses in Turkey
Ramazan Karanfil, Alper Keten, Cem Zeren, Bekir Karaarslan
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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate medicolegal aspects of sexual assaults involving anal penetration against females by their partners.
Methods: This study includes 34 females claimed to be exposed to anal sexual assaults and referred to the Department of Forensic Medicine, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University between January 2007 and June 2012. Data were obtained from physical examination records and a face to face applied questionnaire composed of questions about socio-demographic features.
Results: Sexual assaults involving anal penetration were committed against females in all 34 cases included in the study. The mean age of the victims was 23.2±5.2 years. Twenty-four women (70.6%) had a history of physical violence, but 10 (29.4%) did not. Out of all, only four women were presented to hospital because of assault. The rest were noticed to be transferred with conditions other than assaults but they were found out to be exposed to anal assaults on examinations. Most of the cases were young, female and a housewife and were exposed to anal assault.
Conclusion: Anal sexual assault against females by their partners is a serious problem in our region. Therefore, screening studies on women should be conducted to determine the frequency of the condition and to provide solutions for the problem.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2014, 529-533

Publication date: 10 Dec 2014

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