Chondroid syringoma is a skin tumour with benign character that is named as mixcutaneous tumour. Chondroid syringoma grows slowly without pain and ulcer and is seen as subcutaneous or intracutaneous in 0.5-3 cm size. Chondroid syringoma is generally seen in middle age and old men in head and neck region. It can rarely trunk, back, extremities and genital organs. Since chondroid syringoma is a benign lesion, it was reported in malign and atypic forms. The most important clinical finding of malign tumours is a rapid growing bulk. Malign chondroid syringoma is generally seen in young female patients in body and extremity localizations. Because of malign transformation, potential, total excision is the preferred treatment in benign chondroid syringomas. Despite being rare lesions, in subcutaneous nodules in body and extremities, particularly in head and neck region, chondroid syringoma should be thought. In this study, benign a case chondroid syringoma locating in extremity of young female patient was presented.
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Article Type: Case Report
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2014, 441-443
Publication date: 09 Sep 2014
Article Views: 2415
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