Child health in case of emergency
Attila Alp Gözübüyük, Ensar Duras, Hüseyin Dağ, Emine Türkkan, Vefik Arıca 1 *
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1 Okmeydanı Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları, İstanbul, Turkey* Corresponding Author


In the Stockholm Declaration, it states that " The emergency in terms of medicine is characterized by the acute and unforeseeable imbalance between the capacity and sources of the medicine profession within a certain period of time and the requirement of people affected by the emergency situation or people whose health are under threat." Since potential exposure from the inner and outer stimulus is higher for the organism that is developing in physiological and psychological sense, childhood period is a risky period without considering causation. All of the risks cover the child, family and society. In risk evaluation, live, protection, development and participation rights of child shall be basis in humane and legal sense. Considering the fact that child is the subject of the social life, the damages that may happen should be realized before creating domino effect and injuries should be treated and they should be prevented with precautions that are the dynamo of themselves. Convention on the rights of children gives right to all of us in particular to pediatricians like us to warn and remind states of their duties in the event of failure to abide by these rights to protect the children from risky situations. Reasonable and practical approaches shall be produced with evaluations conducted in the scope of the health, security and education in case of emergency.


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Article Type: Review

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2015, 324-330

Publication date: 25 Oct 2015

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