Ceroid granuloma, a rare lesion mimicking breast carcinoma: Case report
Özgür İlhan Çelik 1 * , Serkan Yaşar Çelik, Yelda Dere, Ünsal Han, Okay Nazlı, Özcan Dere
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1 Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Patoloji AD, Muğla, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Ceroid is a pigment derived from partly oxidized lipids and lipoproteins. Ceroid granulomas are rare lesions thought to occur in the setting of necrosis and hemorrhage. They have been reported mostly in female genital system in association with endometriotic lesions. Granulomas of the breast are incidental, rare benign conditions that can be mistaken for breast cancer. A breast mass of our patient had been excised with a suspicion of malignity. The lesion was composed of histiocytes with yellow-orange material in their cytoplasm, forming granulomas. The material was stained positive with Sudan Black B confirming that it was lipoprotein. So the lesion was diagnosed as Ceroid Granuloma. We found this case valuable as it is very rare in the breast and as it may be supposed a malignant tumor by the patient, clinicians and the radiologist.


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Article Type: Case Report

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2015, 81-83


Publication date: 10 May 2015

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