Cardiovascular findings of children with Marfan syndrome
Osman Yılmaz, Meki Bilici 1 * , Özben Ceylan, Selmin Karademir, Utku Arman Örün, Senem Özgür, Mahmut Keskin, Filiz Şenocak
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1 Dicle University Medical Faculty, Dept. Pediatric Cardiology, Diyarbakır, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objectives: The aim of our study is to investigate the frequency of structural heart diseases in patients with Marfan syndrome (MS) and to reveal the importance of clinical follow-up in MS.
Materials and methods: Study population consisted of 17 patients admitted to the Pediatric Cardiology department between January 2005 and March 2010 with the diagnosis of MS according to the Ghent criteria. Patients were evaluated for the eye, genetic and the cardiovascular system abnormalities. Physical examination findings, echocardiographic, and radiological examinations of the patients were evaluated retrospectively.
Results: Of the 17 cases, 9 were girls and 8 were males, ages ranged from 1 month to 17 years (mean 9.7 years). There was a second degree of kinship between mothers and fathers in 5 patients. Respiratory distress, syncope, chest pain and palpitation were the most seen in the presentation complaint of the patients. Skeletal findings observed in 13 patients, 4 patients had subluxation of the lens. Two patients had positive family history. When cardiovascular findings were examined, there were aortic root dilatation with mitral valve prolapse and/or tricuspid valve prolapse in 8 patients, mitral valve prolapse in 3 patients only aortic root dilatation in 3 patients and mitral valve prolapse and tricuspid valve prolapse in 3 patients. Mean follow-up period was 2.6 years, aneurysm and rupture of the aorta wasn’t observed during this period.
Conclusion: In patients with Marfan syndrome, regular follow-up and cardiological evaluation should be done because significant structural heart diseases can be seen in these patients.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2012, 199-201

Publication date: 12 Jun 2012

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