Objective: In this study, it was aimed to investigate the demographic features, administration reasons and educational status of the patients who were presented to the bonesetters for orthopedic complaints.
Methods: 96 (26 males, 70 females) patients were included in this study, who filled a questionnaire out of 1926 patients went to bonesetters between June and December 2012. All the patients were recorded regarding demographic features, first application places, educational status, administration reasons, and complication rates.
Results: 87 patients (90.6%) preferred bonesetters as the first application place. The mean age of the patients was 31±16.1 years. The most common reason was advices of the family members or relatives (40.6%). The educational status was not significant in administration rate, but low educational status has significant correlation with more complication rates. Sixteen patients developed sequels (16.6%). The effect of bonesetters’ treatment was mostly found to be placebo.
Conclusion: Bonesetter is a country reality when prevalence was taken in notice. However, the similarity of their results to placebo ones, having no education, having no legal rights, paying no tax make this issue a great problem. The solution of this problem is depended to increase health programs to inform public and to increase government superintension.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2013, 477-482
Publication date: 14 Dec 2013
Article Views: 2489
Article Downloads: 1442
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