Objective: Our aim is to identify the causes of the women’s preferences of vaginal delivery vs. cesarean section and their attitudes for an elective cesarean section.
Methods: 400 healthy woman who had applied for antenatal care were included in the study. A questionnaire which is consisted of 21 questions, focused on preference toward mode of delivery and the etiology of these preferences was conducted as a face to face interview. According to history of delivery methods, women have separated into three groups as; women have never given birth/nulliparous (group 1), women who had only vaginal deliveries (group 2), and women who had at least one cesarean deliveries/previous cesarean section (group 3).
Results: Of the 400 women questioned, 348 (%87) opted for vaginal delivery, whereas only 52 (%13) opted for an elective caesarean delivery. Ratios of cesarean delivery preference is high in group 3 (%47.5) than group 1( %26) and 2 (%2.7) . Main reasons for vaginal delivery preference: feeling of less pain, fast and easy recovery and less bleeding and infection risc for mothers were the most common preference reasons among all 3 groups. The most common reasons for choosing caesarean delivery were: ‘more comfortable and easy’ in group 1 and ‘tubal ligation demand’ in group 3. ‘Less pain’ and ‘fear of tearing (episiotomy)’ also other common reasons for choosing cesarean delivery among all 3 groups.
Conclusion: In order to reduce the rate of implemented cesarean section, it is substantially important to encourage educated women and those who have experienced advanced maternal age for increasing the rate of vaginal delivery.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2014, 173-178
Publication date: 11 Jun 2014
Article Views: 2337
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