Objective: In this study we aimed to determine a landmark that can be measured through the skin with nasal mid-point (bregma) to coronal suture, and additionally an average value was calculated. We report, to our knowledge, the distance between the nasion-coronal sutures is reported for the first time in Turkish population.
Methods: The study included 30 craniums and 30 frontal bones. Each skull from midline nasal suture to coronal suture curved up at the distance was measured with tape measure.
Results: Mean values were determined. Nasal suture between coronal suture distance average 12,2 cm (min10,3 cm, up to 13,5 cm) were detected.
Conclusion: Nasal suture is an easily palpable area through the skin. A small incision is carried down through skin to bone at the spot 12 cm back from the nasion 3 cm lateral to the midline for ventricular drainage operation. This data provide practical information for neurosurgeon and is available everywhere.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2014, 368-370
Publication date: 09 Sep 2014
Article Views: 3545
Article Downloads: 1596
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