Poland syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly. It includes in different anomalies such as musculo-skeletal system, heart, kidneys and lungs. This syndrome is characterized by thorax deformity most commonly. Ipsilateral hand anomalies are most important features and can be seen as syndactyly or ectrodactyly. Patients may have lung complications due to the use of muscle relaxants, which is used induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. In addition, these patients show increased risk of malignant hyperthermia during general anesthesia. Because of malignant hyperthermia risk, general anesthesia should be provided carefully. In this report, we discuss the anesthetic concerns related to the management of a 23-year-old female patient with right-sided Poland syndrome undergoing breast reconstruction surgery.
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Article Type: Case Report
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2014, 608-609
Publication date: 10 Dec 2014
Article Views: 2761
Article Downloads: 3166
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